Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Travel Insurance and Going through customs and the airport.


Hope todays post finds everyone well. Please pardon me for yesterdays post I gave it the same title as the first post and that being Murphys Irish Law when it should have been Travel Insurance. Please when you get a chance read it. Think the information provided can be of help in saving you time, money and heartache.

Today we will talk about going through customs at your port of entry which will be either Dublin or Shannon if you travel by air. I want first to touch base on leaving the USA and going through security checkpoints at the airport. When you travel to Ireland there is  prescreening done with US Customs before you board your flight so have your passport ready. Once you enter the prescreening room you are not allowed to leave the area. There are restrooms but no place to get a bite to eat. Most of you are probably aware of what you can carry on the plane these days, however if not you can go to the website of the airline you are flying for that information. Be aware most airlines allow one small carry on. Do not be surprised if the airline you fly greets you at the planes door and makes you check your bag onto luggage. When we boarded our flight with Continental we were told there was no more room for carry on bags and we had to check our carry on bags. Well when we got on the plane there were overhead bins available and when we questioned why we were lied to and had to check our bags the Flight Attendant played dumb. Another issue with checking in for your flight, do so early. They tend to over book the flight and they ask someone to take the next flight. If no one volunteers they choose someone to take the next flight. They will usually pick someone from among those who checked in last. 
When we arrived in Ireland we were pleased with the process to enter the country. Have your passport and a smile ready and answer a few questions and you will be on your way. Think the pre screen in the USA helped with this process. I would look into another airline other than Continental. We ran into some of the same issues on our return home.
I have added some photos of our trip for your viewing pleasure. Tomorrow we will start getting into the fun part of the trip.

The fellow on the left is David seen here with my better half Caren and that is David's taxi in the background. You can find him at the Dublin airport. His taxi was big enough for all our luggage and the two of us. Cost into Dublin is about 30 Euros and worth it. He pointed out a number of places to us and knows the area very well.

This was our Hotel in Dublin which the name escapes me at the moment. Promise to get that to you. It is only few blocks from The University and the main shopping district. The picture blow is Caren at O'Donohues in Dublin. It is located in the shopping district only a few blocks from our hotel. Well that is it for today. Take care and I will add more photos and tips each day.

Charlie Cotter

PS Please forgive my grammar and spelling, never claimed to be an English Major.

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